IDEA - "MS Access" for Google Drive
19 červen 2014
I see really big opportunity for Google Apps developers. If you run the company, you start with Excel, move to Access, finish with the apps on SQL+C#+Azzure in Microsoft world.
Google Drive and cloud applications like covers both ends. But what if the business is not so small to be covered by spreadsheets and documents and not so big to be covered by enterprise app? Will "MS Access for Google Drive" fix the gap?
If you start your business with Google Drive, you will finish with bunch of spreadsheets and folders containing documents. There are generic one like CUSTOMERS, INVOICES, PRODUCTS, some of them are purely related to the particular industry. At some time it's not enough.
How would "MS Access for Google Drive" help?
1. You add your Google Spreadsheets into the data modeler and define relations between them like CUSTOMERS-INVOICES-PRODUCTS.
2. You define user friendly forms above this model. They respect relationships, therefore you can add only existing customers and products to the invoice. The form design can be more complex than just list of attributes provided by current Google Spreadsheet Forms.
3. Both models and forms are defined in a file of a new Google Drive app type. User just clicks to the "Our Company Application" icon and opens the whole environment enabling him/her to enter and search customers, generate invoices etc.
Does this already exist? Is it nonsense? Or is it real opportunity?
Roman Řípa is focused on B2B lead generation at , trying to be a citizen at showing the budgets of all municipalities in Czech Republic. and helping the SMEs in .
Roman Řípa - Rozvíjí nápady v procesy, které přináší radost i $$$ v, působí jako e-commerce advisor v emorfiqu, rozvíjel elektronické podepisování jako digital advocate v, rozvinul koncept digitálních plakátů ve firmě s celoevropskou působností Jansen Display, řešil firemní strategie v Blue Strategy, hledal cesty jak lépe nakupovat a prodávat produkty pro střední a menší firmy v, z Oraclesi odnesl nadšení pro Business Intellegence a Data Warehousing z Asseco porozumění vývoji ERP systémů, snažil se být vědomým občanem v projektu Rozpočet obce zpřístupňujícím rozpočty všech 6.200 obcí atd.