Coffee Machine Which Everybody!!! Can Manage
27 únor 2019
Every office rat has sometimes fought with a coffee machine.
You need a coffee NOW, but the machine wants "something"...
So what about to build the friendly coffee machine and win the complete market?
Friendly Coffee Machine Concept
Way 1 - Device - Youtube Integration
- The device shows the QR code on its display or activates the NFC tag.
- User capture the code or NFC tag with her mobile phone by apps like Google Lens or whatever QR code / NFC reader.
- The code leads to the web page with the video guide for the action needed.
Minus: It must be the activity of the coffee machine producer. It is not applicable to the already used devices.
Way 2 - Guerrilla Campaign
- The website with the manuals / user guides / instructions like or or local one like or enables people to print the QR code leading to the page with the guide for the particular device. The necessary code can be found e.g. at like . Příklad návodu k automatu na kávu DeLonghi .
- Coffee machine dealers or operators, facility managers, assistants can stick the QR code to the coffee machine. Even random users can do it to their own, customers' or suppliers' offices.
- Stickers can be provided by professional services like or the local one like . They can provide the delivery of these stickers at the promotional price as "Sticker Made XYZ" stickers placed by coffee-addicted volunteers at all coffee machines in the country is a great promotion for them. They just need to provide API to be integrated directly at websites with manuals.
Kudos & Related Ideas
Kudos to Ondřej Kokeš for an idea initiation ;-).
Kudos to as they introduced the StickerMule to me .
Related ideas:
- Coffee Machine as an Ultimate HR Tool - Tells you what is new, get the feedback or test your knowledge (in Czech)
- Let Your Devices Talk - Deliver New Value To the Customer (in Czech)
- Self-service drive-thru coffee & snack vending machine placed on main commuting roads
- Chytrá vybavení obytných domů (Czech)
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What do you think?
- Do you know the coffee machine already working like this?
- Would you buy such a thing - into your company or for your customers as a facility manager or coffee supplier?
- Are you able to hack the existing coffee machines to work like this?
Discover more from my ideas, tips or topics .
Roman Řípa - Focused on innovation and market strategies at , participated e.g. in digital posters development, tried to be a citizen at showing the budgets of all municipalities in Czech Republic. and helped the SMEs in .
Roman Řípa - Rozvíjí nápady v procesy, které přináší radost i $$$ v, působí jako e-commerce advisor v emorfiqu, rozvíjel elektronické podepisování jako digital advocate v, rozvinul koncept digitálních plakátů ve firmě s celoevropskou působností Jansen Display, řešil firemní strategie v Blue Strategy, hledal cesty jak lépe nakupovat a prodávat produkty pro střední a menší firmy v, z Oraclesi odnesl nadšení pro Business Intellegence a Data Warehousing z Asseco porozumění vývoji ERP systémů, snažil se být vědomým občanem v projektu Rozpočet obce zpřístupňujícím rozpočty všech 6.200 obcí atd.