Idea - "Ultimate Book Impact" Framework
24 únor 2019
How to read the books more efficiently?
Warning for conservative readers addected to paper books:
Do NOT continue. Risk of nausea.
Complete Environment for the Ultimate Book Impact
The goal of books, especially the business books, is to make the impact.
The right content in the right form at the right place for all three phases of book's life helps to achieve this impact:
- Book Sales - The pre-reading promotional form attracts the attention of the book's target groups.
- Book Reading - The reading form ensures that the messages of the book are presented in the most "eatable" form, it supports understanding and remembering.
- Book Utilization - The post-reading format present key book's messages in a form which supports their usage in practise, further and deeper learnings and upsell of the next book which closes the circle.
The "Book Impact Framework" must enable authors to prepare and exploit the right form and content for all three phases as easily and efficiently as possible.
1. Book Sales - Promotional (Micro)content
Promotional content have classic formats like book cover or ads and various forms of book summaries:
- written book summaries,
- summaries on knowledge sharing services,
- videos presented at TED or YouTube,
- mind maps,
- infographics,
- pictures & texts presented at Instagram.
The online world offers also the format of "microcontent". It explains the key book's messages at a minimal space, typically at a size of the phone screen and in a minimal time, typically in serveral seconds . It's efficient e.g. for sharing at social networks.
Book summary presented as picture & short text at Instagram
Book summary can be presented as a short video with texts suitable for posts at social networks
2. Collaborative Reading
The book itself shall ensure that its messages are presented in a way supporting understanding and remembering.
The current technology has wide possibibilities in that, especially in collaboration among readers and between readers and authors.
Collaborative Reading Platform Idea
3. Book Utilization - Active Cheat Sheets, Gamification, Duolingoation
Last, but not least, the post-reading format of the book shall ensure the usage of the book's content in practise. There are many opportunities for it provided by mobile apps.
- Interactive cheat sheets - key messages are presented e.g. in a form of "cards" like in a The Coaching Cards App .
- Gamified content - the key messages are chunked into a form of "lessons" and the user is motivated to go through them e.g. via gamificaiton. Good example of gamified lessons is Duolingo, foreign language learning platform,
Cheat sheet summarizing book's content in a form of the mobile app
Notifications, Encouraging user,
Competitive types can compete in collecting points in Duolingo
Related Links
- Related Concepts
- Collaborative Learning- A situation in which two or more people learn or attempt to learn something together.[1] Unlike individual learning, people engaged in collaborative learning capitalize on one another's resources and skills (asking one another for information, evaluating one another's ideas, monitoring one another's work, etc.).
- Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) - CSR consists of four reading comprehension strategies: (1) preview the text, (2) click and clunk, (3) get the gist, and (4) wrap up.
- Existing Platforms
- Glose - Next generation reading and learning platform, on a mission to enhance reading and revolutionise how we learn.
- E-Books
- Kindle , GoodReads
- CZ: EBooky, Palm Knihy, Jan Melvil, Alza e-knihy
- Audio Books
- Audible , AudioBooks, Ebooks
- CZ: Audioteka, Radioteka, Jan Melvil
- Meetings & Community
- Social & Team Communication
- Twitter, FB, Linkedin, Instagram, Poetizer...
- Slack, Yammer...
- Gamified Learning
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What do you think?
- How do you organize your "reading platform"?
- Would you use complete platform as a service?
- Will you deliver the mobile app supporting the 3rd phase?
Easy. Just...
Roman Řípa - Rozvíjí nápady v procesy, které přináší radost i $$$ v, působí jako e-commerce advisor v emorfiqu, rozvíjel elektronické podepisování jako digital advocate v, rozvinul koncept digitálních plakátů ve firmě s celoevropskou působností Jansen Display, řešil firemní strategie v Blue Strategy, hledal cesty jak lépe nakupovat a prodávat produkty pro střední a menší firmy v, z Oraclesi odnesl nadšení pro Business Intellegence a Data Warehousing z Asseco porozumění vývoji ERP systémů, snažil se být vědomým občanem v projektu Rozpočet obce zpřístupňujícím rozpočty všech 6.200 obcí atd.